Secret message sender.

I like this site a lot.  I use it to send notes to myself from the office.  The notes are encrypted, and cannot be decrypted unless you know the secret word…


for example go to this link:

Type your secret message…”Secret code and love notes!!!”   for example.  Then type “love” as your secret word.  Then click “Encrypt” button.


you see the secret message become encrypted to:  ”mb5dQFavSxqkhVZdJZrvL6KIpBY2RsM49nrLZoWC26o=”


you can copy that and send it to your friend by text or email…  call them and tell them the secret word is “love”


they should go to the “decrypt” page ( )  paste in that encrypted text and then type the secret word, and click “decrypt”.


there is your secret message!!!!



Share with your friends!  Send messages on Facebook, texts, email, and encrypt entire documents!